

Joyce Yu-Jean Lee

Joyce Yu-Jean Lee

Joyce Yu-Jean Lee is a NYC-based artist working with video, installation, and performance. She creates tech-based art that examines how visual culture and mass media shape notions of truth and perception of the “other.” Lee has exhibited widely domestically and internationally and her work has been written about in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, NPR, Hyperallergic, and ArtCritical. She teaches as an Assistant Professor of Art & Digital Media at Marist College.
Dan Phiffer

Dan Phiffer

Lead Developer
Dan Phiffer is an artist, programmer, and researcher working on projects that use computer networks as a raw material. His projects have been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, MoMA PS1, SFMOMA, Ars Electronica, and Transmediale and was a 2015-2017 resident at Eyebeam Art + Tech. Dan develops software at the American Civil Liberties Union and lives in Troy, NY.
Rowan Copley

Rowan Copley

Rowan builds data systems that help scientists, journalists, and artists quantify the world. He is the lead engineer at a medical diagnostics lab.
Silas Cutler

Silas Cutler

Silas Cutler is a security researcher and programmer with a focus on protecting human rights in the digital age.
Rachel Nackman

Rachel Nackman

Rachel Nackman is a Brooklyn-based software developer and independent curator. Previously a developer on the digital team at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, Rachel is now working as as Software Engineer at Betterment. She has a Master degrees in computer science and art history.


Franklin Furnace Fund

(FFF) presents, preserves, interprets, proselytizes and advocates on behalf of avant-garde art, especially vulnerable, ephemeral, unpopular forms.

Asian Women Giving Circle

(AWGC) is the first and largest giving circle in the nation led by Asian American women funding the arts as a strategy for social change.

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council

(LMCC) empowers artists by providing them with networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Lower Manhattan and beyond.

New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council

(DCLA) is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life and to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations.

Great Fire

An open source browser extension that lets users share their route to the Internet with each other.


An open source browser extension that lets users share their route to the Internet with each other.

Oslo Freedom Forum

Annual conference where human rights advocates, artists, tech entrepreneurs, and world leaders meet to brainstorm ways to expand freedom across the globe.

Human Rights Foundation

A nonpartisan nonprofit organization that promotes and protects human rights globally, with a focus on closed societies.

FIREWALL was made possible by the Asian Women Giving Circle; by the Franklin Furnace Fund supported by Jerome Foundation, the Lambent Foundation, The SHS Foundation; and in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

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